
A few helpful tips to make the most of our site! We sort by date added, so you can always find the newest giveaways first. Want to see giveaways ending soon? Want to get your daily entries in? Read on and we’ll show you how!

See giveaways with daily entry options

To see the giveaways with daily entry options, click on Giveaway (Click title to enter), circled below – TWICE. Voila. All of the giveaways preceeded by a ¹ have daily entry options, and now they’re all at the top of the list.

See giveaways ending soonest

To see the giveaways ending soonest, click on the End Date column header, circled below:

Note: it’s sorted by month, so until the end of the year, you’ll see giveaways that end before today’s date in the next year, first.